Technology Video Reviews

We review various technology products from phones like the iPhone, cameras and technology accessories. We also give you tips on how to optimally use the products.

In this video we will teach you how to get books absolutely free for your Kindle. We are not referring to public domain books, we are talking about books you actually want to read. Watch the video
In this video we do a box opening of the GoPro Hero2 video camera. We look at all the accessories that come with the camera. Watch the video
In this video we do a box opening of the Canon EOS Rebel T3i camera. We look at what comes in the box as well as some other Canon accessories. Watch the video
In this video we test the iPhone 4 Otterbox Defender case on an iPhone 4S. Watch as we show you that all buttons and inputs are accessible using the older case. Watch the video
In this video we do a box opening of the Monster Mobile Jamz headphones. Watch the video
We show you how to transfer your domain name from Go Daddy by getting the Authorization Code (Auth Code). Watch the video
In this video we show you how to connect (pair) the Jawbone Icon bluetooth headset to the iPhone 4S. Also works on the iPhone. Watch the video